Epic Browser has recently been released as one the first anti-virus browser which is made be Hidden Reflex a group of developers based in Bangalore. It is specifically made for Indians and for various purposes making surfing very easy for Indian surfers. Read the article to find out more about it.

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Ok, I have downloaded this browser and just browsed it for 10 – 15 minutes…
My first impressions ? – Excellent !
When you open the browser for the first time, it will give not give you best of impressions as the default theme is dark and color combinations are bit jarry – Some may like it, but I believe a browser should have more neutral colors, so that the importance goes to what is inside the browser window and not to itself.
But once you get past that and start exploring the features, this browser really stands out – Epic Browser has got loads of nifty features in the left hand horizontal verical bar and claims to have more than 1500 apps for the browser and from little what I tried they work like a charm.
Top Features of Epic Browser
The dark default theme, which incidentally I did not like, could be changed just by clicking on the “skins” button on the left you can choose from plethora of India centric-themes.

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India Centric News – If you click on India tab, a nice column opens up giving you feeds of all the latest news from Indian News sites – clicking on them will open up a new browser tab within the window.

next level India
Indic Translation – This is an excellent feature. This button will open up a text box and when you type English, it will in real-time translate it to the chosen languages and you have all the major Indian languages in there – Excellent !!
AntiVirus Protection – The browser has an anti-virus built-in to keep your system secure. It not only protects youfrom downloading malicious files, but also scans your entire system – great !
Epic Write – This is another feature that will be quite appealing to many users – Epic Writer – A full fledged WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor, which works really well.

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Epic Snippets: Another great in-built feature that allows you to store text / urls / image snippets within the browser itself.
Epic Social Networking Features: Epic is also very Social brwoser with Facebook, Twitter and Orkut all built inside it. Just give your login names and your password and you can see you timeline and post messages and scraps ! wow !